In this series we have already learned: (Concurrency Design Patterns — YouTube)
- S1E1: Concurrency In Go | Goroutine | Channels | Waitgroup | Buffered Channel | by Arshlan | Jul, 2023 | Medium
- S1E2: Concurrency Boring Desing Pattern in Go | by Arshlan | Jul, 2023 | Medium
- S1E3: Mastering Concurrency with Worker Pool in GoLang: A Scalable Solution for Efficient Task Processing | by Arshlan | Aug, 2023 | Medium
- S1E4: Mastering Concurrency Fan-In Design Pattern | by Arshlan | Aug, 2023 | Medium
- S1E5: Mastering the Concurrency in Go with Fan Out Design Pattern | by Arshlan | Aug, 2023 | Medium
Video Link: S1E5: FAN-OUT Concurrency Design Pattern | Concurrency Design Pattern Playlist — YouTube

The Fan-Out pattern is a concurrency gem that allows us to efficiently distribute tasks among multiple worker goroutines for blazing-fast parallel processing. Whether you’re handling data, web scraping, load balancing, or real-time event processing, the Fan-Out pattern has your back.
Photo from the YouTube video:

- The “Source” generates tasks that need to be processed concurrently.
- The “Task Queue” acts as a buffer, holding the tasks before they are picked up by worker goroutines.
- The “Worker Goroutines” pick tasks from the queue, process them independently, and put results (if any) in the “Result Queue.”
- The “Result Queue” holds the processed results from the worker goroutines.
- The Fan-Out pattern involves distributing tasks from the source to multiple worker goroutines for parallel processing.
NOTE: Keep in mind that the number of workers goroutines and the concurrency level can be adjusted based on your application’s requirements and available resources. The Fan-Out pattern allows you to efficiently utilize available CPU cores for parallel task processing.
Working Code as Per the Diagram: (Explained in the CodePiper YouTube Channel)
package main
import (
func source(tasks chan<- int, numTasks int) {
for i := 1; i <= numTasks; i++ {
tasks <- i
func worker(id int, taskQueue <-chan int, results chan<- int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for task := range taskQueue {
// Simulating task processing
fmt.Printf("Worker %d processing task %d\n", id, task)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(task))
results <- task * 2 // task 1 * 2 | task 2 * 2
func main() {
const numWorkers = 3
const numTasks = 10
taskQueue := make(chan int, numTasks)
resultQueue := make(chan int, numTasks)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Start the source goroutine to generate tasks
go source(taskQueue, numTasks)
// Create worker goroutines
for i := 1; i <= numWorkers; i++ {
go worker(i, taskQueue, resultQueue, &wg)
// Wait for all workers to finish
go func() {
// Process results from the result queue
for result := range resultQueue {
fmt.Printf("Result received: %d\n", result)
fmt.Println("All tasks completed.")
Use Case of Fan-Out Design Pattern:
- Data Processing Pipelines: In data processing scenarios, such as ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipelines, you can use the Fan-Out pattern to distribute data processing tasks across multiple workers. This is useful for transforming and enriching data before loading it into a database or data warehouse.
- Web Scraping: When scraping data from multiple websites concurrently, each worker can handle the scraping of a specific website. This allows you to efficiently retrieve data from multiple sources in parallel.
- Load Balancing: In server applications, you can use the Fan-Out pattern to distribute incoming client requests to a pool of worker goroutines. This enables efficient load balancing and ensures that the workload is evenly distributed.
- Real-Time Data Processing: In applications that require real-time data processing, such as monitoring systems or event-driven architectures, the Fan-Out pattern can be employed to process incoming events or messages concurrently.
- Parallel File Processing: When dealing with large files or a batch of files, you can use the Fan-Out pattern to concurrently process different segments of the files, enabling faster file processing.
- Image or Video Processing: In multimedia applications, the Fan-Out pattern can be used to parallelize the processing of images or frames in videos, resulting in quicker analysis, transformation, or editing.
- Distributed Search: When performing distributed search or indexing operations, you can distribute search queries to multiple worker goroutines to simultaneously search through different data partitions or indices.
- Scalable Networking: In network-related tasks, like handling incoming network connections, the Fan-Out pattern can be used to process each connection concurrently, enabling efficient use of resources.
- Distributed Computing: In distributed systems, tasks can be distributed across worker nodes to leverage the computational power of multiple machines.
- Parallel Algorithm Execution: The Fan-Out pattern can be applied to parallelize the execution of certain algorithms, such as sorting or data aggregation, by distributing subtasks to different worker goroutines.
- Youtube Channel:
- Github Link: CodePiper/GO/concurrency-patterns/Basics at main · arshad404/CodePiper (